How to Get To The Point in your presentation or speech?

The aims for your speech or Presention should revolve around being focused and precise: 1. Determine your general purpose. 2. Focus in on your specific purpose. 3. Ensure that the entire speech maintains focus on your objective. The Easy Part: Get to the Point Your first task is to get to the point. Before you …

How to Calm your Nerves before Speaking in Public.

I've been doing a lot of presenting recently, and I have no problem admitting that it's tough. For those not born with natural eloquence, public speaking can be remarkably nerve-racking. We can't all deliver the next Is Fedair Linn, speech by former U.S. President Barack Obama, but there are several small things you can do …

Introducing coordinator and club founder Krystal Long.

Introducing Team member and our Speech Craft program coordinator and Knocknaheeny Hollyhill Toastmasters Club Founder Krystal Long... Krystal is and has been a member of Toastmasters International since 2016 after being a participant on a speech craft program to now delivering these workshops herself with her team. Krystal's Public Speaking debut as a speaker began …

Introducing Team Member Carol O Donovan.

Introducing our third team member and co.facilitor Carol O' Donovan. Carol has been a practicing Toastmaster since 2010. During her time in Toastmasters she has risen to many leadership roles at club and area levels. These leadership roles include President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasury positions to being an assistant Area Director. Carol has been …

Why should anyone with an interest in public speaking, be interested in the book How To Write & Give a Speech by Joan Detz.

Below is the transcript of a follow up speech on the famous publication by Author Joan Detz, which I had the pleasure of delivering to my Toastmasters club in Bishopstown, Cork. Ireland. This was the subject of my Persuade with passion project. I am pleased to report, that the project proved very effective with many …